New Start: My Wellness Journey

I still don’t believe this..

I fear I can’t accurately explain how insanely shocking it is that I have been going to the gym and cutting out things in my diet that I swore I was addicted to and would never live without (looking at you, diet dr pepper). If you told me, even just 3 months ago, that I made these changes, I would have spit out my drink.

Let me paint a picture for you, I am someone who tried sports out when I was about 8-10 years old, I was not sold. I actually got kicked out of ballet for being too bossy (that’s another story). I never cared for athletics. I didn’t care to watch sports, I never understood why someone would even touch a dumbbell, and then there’s the absolute *joke* of a treadmill.

My diet for the past 29 years has consisted of “whatever the hell I want it to”. I lived my life on sugar. The sweetest of everything was my favorite — sweet breakfasts, sweet drinks, and even sweeter desserts. I started smoking cigarettes when I was 17. I smoked about a pack a day for a few years. Then moved to vaping when I was about 21. I quit vaping last year in May. I am currently 8 months nicotine free after 11 years of smoking. I have always been “skinny”. I have to admit that I’ve been lucky with the body I have with the terrible diet I gave myself. But I wasn’t aware that it would be challenged when I quit smoking. I very quickly gained 20 lbs and my jeans no longer fit around my thighs and hips. It was a major wake up call that I have been starving my body of the healthy weight and nutrients it needs. I do think that the 20 lbs I gained was healthy weight. I think I starved my body and in turn, gave it nicotine to survive off of.

Oh, YouTube..

Even though I gained weight and wasn’t too happy with the way I looked anymore, I had no desire to do anything about it. I still ate spaghetti and meatloaf each night because it was cheap and easy. But one day I was casually scrolling YouTube and this video was suggested.. “How I lost 32 pounds of FAT and 10 inches off my waist”. I thought, ‘Alright, let’s see what kind of fad diet and ultra fake inspirational video is turns out to be’.
The 40 minute long video flew by and at the end, I was actually in tears. I felt understood, I felt like Alivia’s journey was extremely relatable, she was authentic and vulnerable. And Steve Zim was factual, quick to the point, and I could tell that he truly cared about his clients journey and success.

I bought his book called “Superhero Nutrition”. It took me about a month to actually open the book but once I did, I read it all in an hour and had a notebook full of notes. And suddenly, I felt so much understanding for my own body and it’s nutritional needs. I was on fire about treating it well and building my ideal lean + strong self.

— Nutrition

Nutrition was the first thing I wanted to start working on. I was well aware that I consumed a disgusting amount of sodium, added sugars and processed carbs (I added salt to everything + 5 diet sodas a day, I loved a good sweet treat, and pasta/bread is my love language).

I am not joking or exaggerating when I tell you that I would go weeks without a glass of water. I would wake up, drink a cold soda and go to bed with a cold soda.. I have been hospitalized twice for dehydration.. I don’t say that for shock value, I say this as ‘if I can make this change.. you can too’.

I highly recommend reading the aforementioned book because he explains it all so well. But for some bullet points, he teaches on the effect of insulin spikes and to prioritize eating foods that spike our insulin for the shortest amount of time. Because when our insulin is spiked, our body cannot burn stored energy/fat. And everything we eat spikes our insulin. Everything. But steamed broccoli may only spike it for 30 minutes while pasta spikes it for 2 hours (this is just an example and the times could vary).

Replacements + Additions:

  • If it’s not obvious, I cut out soda. I no longer buy it and bring it into the house. I have completely replaced it with water (I bought a big water cup that has somehow made it easier to drink water). But I am not creating restrictions — if we’re out at a restaurant, I am definitely allowed to order a soda because I am an adult.

  • Cutting out my massive intake of carbs/starch. I have replaced white rice with cauliflower rice. Pizza crust is now chickpea crusts. Bread is now low sodium Ezekiel bread. Spaghetti noodles are now zucchini noodles (zoodles if you will) The only straight starch we still eat is potato gnocchi because it is Dylan’s favorite.

  • Introducing more supplements and teas. I’ll commonly add a packet of matcha powder to my water. I’ve started taking Vitamin B12 gummies, a women’s multi-vitamin, fish oil, and biotin (yes I double up on some supplements because I am desperately deficient). I also continued with my melatonin gummies each night.

  • When looking at things to buy, I mainly checked the “added sugars” and aim for that to be at zero. Then I check the sodium count and aim for it to be on the low side. For the overall carb count, again trying for it to be on the lower side (although carbs are not your enemy!!!) and the same with fats.

  • Fiber is your bestfriend. It counteracts an insulin spike so being sure to add things high in fiber with each meal is key. (Chia seeds, flaxseed meal, avocados, etc.)

  • I’m currently eating two meals a day and eliminating snacks. Surprisingly, I don’t have a terrible time doing this. I get back home around 11am, time for a big post-workout lunch and then I make dinner around 530 and I may end the night off with a healthy sweet.

  • Steve Zim’s biggest teaching is that we cannot lose stored fat when our insulin is spiked (after eating). So he teaches that we should either workout in the morning before we consume calories or we wait at least 2 hours after eating before working out. He also teaches that we should aim for a 5 hour fast between meals (it is a challenge at first, I won’t lie. But I’m trusting in the science!).

  • Sunday is cheat day. I will eat whatever I want to for dinner with zero guilt, even add in some donuts if I want to. Steve says that a cheat meal once a week (and only for one meal, not the whole day) actually jump-starts your body and sends it into power-drive to burn off the calories it was just given.

— Fitness

Okay, the hardest part for me to get into. But somehow, I magically made it happen and I am SO glad I did. It all started with some at-home yoga with Dylan each day. He loves Sean Vigue Fitness. Then I tried to incorporate some cardio. I attempted maybe 7 HIIT videos and got extremely discouraged with each one. I honestly don’t recommend “youtube cardio” for people who have a hard time working out. I swallowed all of my fear and anxiety and got a free guest pass for Esporta Fitness. I went for 3 days and … I fell in love.

Here’s my little love-letter for Esporta/LA Fitness— the gym is cased in normal colors instead of a blindingly bright purple and yellow (I actually loved Planet Fitness and I would never tell someone not to go there!! But I was eager for a different gym). They have a TRX/Crossfit section in the middle (with AstroTurf pictured above and that’s super fun). There’s a pool, a cycle room, a sauna, all of it. Plus if you get the $25/month membership (that’s what I have) you get a free assessment with one of their personal trainers and I’m really glad I did that.

For my actual workout plan, I’m also following Steve Zim’s layout from the book. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is full-body strength training. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is cardio. Sunday is rest day and cheat day! I also do 15 minutes of yoga every evening with Dylan.


- Tricep Extension
- Dumbbell Bench Press
- Machine Leg Press
- Cable Bicep Curl
- Seated Cable Row
- Machine Shoulder Press
- TRX Hamstring Pull In
- Mini Loop Lateral Walk
- Medicine Ball Russian Twist.

- 1 mile run/walk on treadmill.
- 20 minute cycling/stationary bike.

- Tricep Kickback
- Dumbbell Bicep Curl
- Dumbbell Fly
- Dumbbell Squat
- Seated Calf Press
- Cable Glute Kickbacks
- Lat Pulldown
- Bike Crunch
- Leg Pull-In

- 1 mile run/walk on treadmill.
- 20 minute cycling/stationary bike.

- Barbell Curl
- Barbell Bench Press
- Smith Machine Shrug
- Assisted Dip
- Assisted Pull-Up
- Cable Hip Adduction
- TRX Leg Raise
- Stability Ball Hip Bridge
- Landmine Sumo Squat

- 1 mile run/walk on treadmill.
- 20 minute cycling/stationary bike.

My mindset moving forward:

This new routine and lifestyle change is still so new for me. I only started this about a month ago. So I know things will change and evolve and I welcome that. I will expect for my needs and my mindset to shape overtime and will not get disappointed if things no longer work the way they did. That’s growth and that’s challenge. I will continue to focus on the core topics: eat fresh foods, move your body once a day, speak kindly to yourself. I will focus on these core values before worrying about the fine details.

I will not go to the gym just to lose weight/change my appearance/gain muscle definition. I will go to the gym because it makes me feel good. Because when I leave the gym, I feel like I can accomplish anything that I want, And that’s something that will take us a long way.

How has your wellness been lately? Anything you’re eager to learn or improve? I’d love to have a discussion in the comments below.


photographer and designer based in memphis, tn.

Italian Fruit Tart


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